Thursday, August 21, 2008

D is for ...

I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post.

Oh so much to write but so little time. My Month in short has consisted of the following : ( How Academic do I sound???)

I submitted my first essay in 16 years - yay.
Drum roll please...... And I got a Distinction. I am so pleased with myself - I think I am like so totally smart n stuff. At first when I saw the D I started getting flashbacks from school. Rattling on in my mind was something like this ..." Geez nothing has changed since school I am totally a dumbarse , what was I thinking going back to school"

When I realised that the D was for distinction the conversation in my head went something like this " wow I really am a dumbarse you'd think I wold have worked out the marking system before now.."

Anyhoo in my house I am obviously not the only one who has a bit of rattling conversation going on in my mind - my two and a half year old has an imaginary friend named Gugga . Interesting . Gugga has been around for a while but he really has confirmed his presence in the last week or so. As long as he doesnt wee on the floor, make a mess or hog the telly he can stay.

We trotted off to Palm Cove last week for a lovely sunny relaxing holiday. We ate lots ( especially me ) from the breakfast buffet everymorning. Why do they insist on having pile high pancakes with maple syrup waiting there for the taking??
So apart from lounging around and watching the Olympics we managed a night trip out to the local zoo.

Check the size of this wombat?????

All for animals and all but he was a bit gross although Violet was happy to cuddle him.eeeuuuuuwwww. Anyhoo enough from me. Hopefully I wont wait another month before my next post.