Sunday, February 04, 2007

Times are changin'

Well, I am officially a parent of a school child.
I can assure many an issue has come along with that tag. The first day of school was filled with anxiety and excitement.(me ofcourse).

Clean Uniform - check.
All clothes tagged with name - check
Healthy lunch packed - check (need to make a good impression and show that my child does'nt really live on spaghetti bolognese,mangoes and vegemite sandwiches.)
Hair scraped back into plaits - check
Hat and Back pack on - check
Super Excited child - check

We are off!

When the school bell rang I nearly dry reached.
Assembly - eeuuww memories.... All good so far - no tears- no whines and happily sitting with class on basketball court come mini playground. Phew. Time to go with teacher (who vaguely resembles a disney princess in casual attire - she's a winner already) AND OFF SHE GOES.......

Wow no tears, no running back just a quick cuddle,kiss and a goodbye and that was it. I even held it together - pride was bursting out of me - And so is the beginning of the school year.

A new chapter in our lives - new people to meet and DEFINATELY more peace at home between the hours of 9 and 3.30 - thank god. I have already met the 'super-friendly-social-calender-organiser-mum' who has got my number to organise some "drinky-poos" - as she so poeticly put it. I forgot to mention that I may get a migraine after one shandy but hey we'll leave that information privvy for a while.

Phew - here's to the next twelve years....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well she looks absolutely gorgeous in her uniform! what a wonderful milestone - and you SO don't look old enough to have a kid at school!

5:56 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

Congrats ! To both of you !

She looks so cute and happy. I am unsure how i'd feel, but something like you described seems apt.

Oh, and i'd definately be doing the drinkie-poos ;)

7:07 PM  
Blogger Stomper Girl said...

Well done you for keeping it all together and well done your big schoolgirl, who looks adorable in her uniform.

I've really enjoyed being a "school Mum". It's kinda fun hanging with the others at drop-off and pick-up time, comparing notes on how the kidlets are going. Daggy but true!

8:28 PM  
Blogger jeanie said...

Congratulations on joining the flock of school mums - it IS a WHOLE NEW WORLD of experience - good and - muahahahaha - evil!

I hope she settles in well - looks very cute in the photo.

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12 years?! 12 years of school lunches and getting up early for school drop off?! oh my god is this a whole new world - when you put it like that no wonder you were freaking out a bit - now I'm freaking out a bit! but here's to some guilt free pancakes after the gym to compare stories!

10:23 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

Wow congrats on the first day of school- today is my niece's first day of school... I wonder how she got along...? Its a big thing alright.

4:17 PM  

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