Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The farmer wants a wife

oooohhh yes it is my new favourite show

I do have a really bad habit of getting attached to every possible really crappy reality tv show that comes out - this time is no different. I love it. I am not sure what I love more - the super sensitive new age farmer who talks of gazing into the eyes of one of the poor girls vying for his attention .... maybe its the farmer that had his mum come over and change the sheets ( he was a little confused as to why because he only slept on one side???!!!!!).

What can I say ??

Love a good trashy show.

My second favourite is "Tori and Dean Inn love".

Obviously I have too much time on my hands (which is ironic because I haven't blogged in a while). But don't worry you haven't missed out on anything exciting as I would just be gushing about my eldest daughters first school concert and how proud I was just to see her on stage or how absolutely joyous I am that my second daughters test results came back negative for some nasty conditions that you wouldn't wish on any child.

Or maybe I could mention all the bits and pieces we are trying to get organised for around the house ie Blind quotes (not of the non-seeing kind) drive way gate quotes, looking at pavers - you know,blah blah blah.

However, I have been busy making some cards.


Blogger Fairlie - said...

I have to admit to a bit of a liking for Tori & Dean too!

Nice cards - love that green button.

9:39 PM  
Blogger LBA said...

I lOoOooOoove "Farmer Takes a Wife" !!

I took the walk to and from my MG meet today as a gate photo-opp - let me know if you've got any good tips as I haven't started pricing them yet.

We've booked driveway guy though. Did you look at Mentone PreMix ?

10:45 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

I saw that farmer show for the first time last night. Because I was expecting to watch that all time great "McLeods Daughters."

And saw the other farmers instead. So bad it made my teeth ache.

But I will be watching it again next week.

Loving the cards.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Jorth said...

Almost makes me want a tv! I'm sure I would get to a show like that!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

I'm sucked right in - love it - ALMOST as much as 'so you think you can dance'! Glad your results were negative. Love the button card a lot.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Frogdancer said...

Hang on....
didn't anyone register that the 'sensitive' farmer actually has another woman on the side, and is trying to be a player???? Kissing one girl and sashaying around the other like a lovesick teenager, while carrying a torch for this other girl he's probably really in love with.

If I was one of the two girls living in his house, I'd feel so gypped. It's guys like that that give guys NOT like that a bad name....

Still, I'll be watching next week. :)

7:32 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

Hi Jo, I havent seen this Farmers wife show but I may have to start watching. Im so glad you got good results for Saf, must be such a relief.

8:18 PM  
Blogger Jodie said...

Hey Miss teacup - love the button card. Not so good with TV - I tend to only liste and forget it all anyway. Yay for good test results

8:40 PM  
Blogger Louise said...

I'm watching my tape from last night and I just love it. It's slightly excruciating though. I Loooove reality tv like this - Bachelor, Top Model, apprentice! So who's your favourite farmer??

9:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So there is more then my family that are watching Farmer!!!
I too get hooked on reality shows.
Farmer last night, Dance tonight and then Biggest Loser is starting again.
I'm just such a sticky beak.
I haven't seen Tori & Dean though, is that on pay tv?

9:50 PM  
Blogger Corrie said...

snap both shows! I love farmer because I have 2 brother in law's who live in the country and one is a farmer and its so true to life! I love chris and drew...seriously!

and also I love tori and dean but I think thats because its great to see someone else totally balloon in pregnancy! I don't feel alone!


10:32 AM  
Blogger fi said...

love the wall paper cards very effective!glad about your daughters tests what a relief!bring on big brother 08!(sounds SO wrong dosnt it?!)

7:53 AM  
Blogger Christie said...

he, he, he I love both those show's too- even my husband likes the farmer one-go figure!?

12:29 PM  
Blogger meetmeatmikes said...

i adore the farmer show! except i keep missing it. wondering what happened to Jocelyn the lawyer? is she still on it? i don't know if she's very.. ummm... happy. Noice to meet you today (at mikes) - maybe you might come to dinner too? we can talk bad tv and stars without make-up.

7:26 PM  
Blogger blackie said...

I was totally addicted to that mark philopousis show. It had the most awesome soundtrack and one of the bimbos always cried. It was crappy tv gold. I wish they'd do a sequel.

8:37 PM  
Blogger Lissa Jane said...

husbands dont get reality shows do they? well I dont think they do.. he says they are the death of TV.. but come on... 50% of the population seems to like them (aka women).. the boys here in the timber yard watch idol, and Big Brother, i Know this cause I talk about it at lunch time and they seem to know whats going on, even tho they wont admit they watch the shows! I love the cards you have made, very clever!

Good luck with the quotes, working with tradesman I know how unreliable they are, I am still waiting 3 years to get some work done on a 'love job' by one of the builders here.. I think he's not coming.. *sigh*


1:20 PM  
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1:30 PM  

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